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The Library - Walts Birthday Story

The day could be summed up in a single word. Excrement! or dung! and the evening didn't hold prospect for much better.

The days lecture left him feeling defeated. Nothing we do from this point forward will change the inevitable outcome predicted by the greater majority of scientists.

Still he felt obliged to carry on, after all what is life without hope?

And so he found himself on the steps of the University library shuffling absentmindedly under the great stone arch at the entrance where he paused. His mood shifted slightly as the tomb like quiet blanketed his senses. English brown oak shelving held the classic literature of the past century along either side of the great hall. Matching furniture to sit and study sat row upon row under artisan glass lamps.

It was nice enough, although it did still hold more of a classroom feel than library.

Walt combed the Political section for Chinese Governmental policies of the 20th century, picked out several others after that held promise and spotted one on globalization of Chinese culture in Foreign Markets.

"This may come in handy" he mumbled.

He stacked his selection of books on one of the study tables and produced a notepad, some assorted pens and highlighters from his backpack and placed them neatly beside the pile. He slide out his laptop and pressed the on button. As it clicked and whirred into life he sat back in the chair and began to replay the days events over in his mind.

Such anger, such a polarization of the world. People were so quick to judge and be jury over others lives and yet take no responsibility for their own actions.

"I wish it was more like my grandfathers time, heck fathers time" he whispered to himself.

As he did the building lights flickered and the echo of a heavy door clicking somewhere far behind him was carried by a warm breeze that lightly brushed past him

He turned to see what caused it, as far as he could remember there were no doors at this end of the building.

Walt jolted as a shadow darted in behind a bookcase.


"Is anyone there?"

A chill ran up his spine and Walts throat dried.

He was just about to call out again when a man, impeccably dressed stepped out between a row of shelves to Walts left side.

It happened so fast it made Walt jump spilling his careful array of pens to the floor.

The man laughed politely and began to help Walt pick them up.

Take complete the man stood and composed himself before speaking.

"Awfully sorry my good sir, terrible of me to startle you like that. My name is Colimn and I am the - "

He paused as if looking for the right word to say only Walt had a pretty good feeling Colimn knew exactly what he wanted to say, just not how.

"Let's just say I'm a sort of maitre d'," Colimn continued

"Forgive my intrusion, I mean no disrespect and I did not intend to listen in on your private conversation."

Walt interrupted Colimn, "But I wasn’t having a conversation, there is no one else here."

He overemphasized the word is and noticed the man pull back.

Colimn held up his hands in a surrendered gesture.

"Forgive me sir, I am obviously here in error, I'll take my leave and give you back your peace."

With that the man retreated, not by turning (that would be rude) but by backing up.

He had gone several places when Walt stopped him.

"No, no, I didn't mean it that way. You seem like a nice guy, I was really just startled by the situation, please continue."

The mad stopped and smiled, tipping his head down in a sort of small bow.

"You're very gracious sir."

"If you will allow me sir, my intention is but to say that I know of a place, a private place just at the rear of this establishment where I believe you may find the atmosphere a bit more to your liking. It has more of a Grandfather feel to it shall we say."

The man gestured with his arms sideways to his right , a quiet smile full of sincerity almost pleading for forgiveness accompanied.

Walt sat for a second then voiced his original thought

"I didn't think there was any kind of room back there?" It was a question as much as a statement.

"No trouble at all sir, I can easily show you. It is not there for just anyone of course, more for those looking for something with, shall we say a historical perspective" grinned Colimn.

The disarming feature seemed genuine enough but the execution was a skill that made Walter feel uneasy and at the same time somewhat curious.

There was a long pause while he thought and eventually agreed. He stood and was surprised to find his study supplies were already returned to his backpack.

"I don’t remember doing that" he said looking down.

"Shall we go?" broke in the man.

As they followed the labyrinth of floor to ceiling shelves Walt began to see subtle details he'd never noticed before. Ornately carved gargoyles were perched at the end of each row. A leather chair sat at the intersection of three bookcases that were positioned so that the lengths were staggered against the wall. Colimn made a brisk left then right almost gliding around them.

Walt realized his attention while playing follow the leader had been minimal at best, almost dreamlike when the man suddenly disappeared into darkness.

The light, that was another thing, it was so dark you could hardly see the books on the shelves. How could anyone possibly use this section of the library if you couldn't even see?

As if in answer, Colimn stopped midway down an impossibly long hallway of books. He turned and bowed again to Walt once more gesturing with his left hand as he spoke.

"We are here sir."

Walt looked around, it seemed to be darker if that was possible, weren't your eyes supposed to adjust to light, (or lack thereof) he thought. Books left to right, up to down. Walt turned to look back, a man was now sitting in the chair they'd walked past moments ago. He was holding a paper, a floor lamp cascading golden yellow light over him.

Turning back to Colimn he whispered, "Here? Where exactly is that?"

"Why, what you've been looking for sir," answered the impeccably dressed gentleman grinning that innocent, disarming smile again.

"But I don’t see anything -" began Walt before he cut himself off mid sentence.

A sliver of light now emanated from the base of the plinth. Walt stared in disbelief but his hand was up and he fingered over several books stopping on a copy of The Great Gatsby.

"A very good choice if I may say so sir."

Walt pulled the book forward setting off a low rumble. A heavy weight that was part of a countermeasure pulley began to lower and an entire section of books began to sink into the wall. Walt put his hand back to his sides and panted waiting for what would happen next. He thought of turning back but there was now a line of people waiting behind him. His mind raced and he began to sweat.

The false door traveled backwards and then to the side. It reminded Walt of a sunrise as light began to cascade into the hallway illuminating a worn wooden floor. Music played softly in the background, almost inaudible over his own breathing

The door stopped and Colimn gestured again signalling Walt to enter.

He peeked in but a wall separated whatever there was on the other side blocking his view. One of the guests behind Walt cleared his throat impatiently.

Colimn curtsied, as if to say; "Go on, it's quite safe."

Walt took a deep breath as if he was about to dive into a deep pool but found himself stepping onto the most luxurious carpet he'd ever known. He smiled back at Colimn before moving forward again into a large smoky room.

Opulently decorated it was filled with men sitting in heavy wood and leather chairs, each one with a glass of brandy or cognac sitting on top of a small round table beside it. At the far end of the room a large fire blazed inside an elegant stone hearth.

Another man dressed in black tails glided up to Walt and presented a tray of drinks for him to choose from. Walt lifted a glass of scotch, ice chimed inside as he moved it away from tray.

Walt smiled and the man walked away saying nothing. He followed him away with his eyes but didn't move, mesmerized by his new surroundings.

Behind him the bookcase was returning quietly back to its place in the wall and as it clicked back in place everyone in the room stopped and looked at Walt.

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