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Rochelle and Christine's Birthday Story (Part 1 & 2)


For friends and family (refresher) in case you missed it, for the past year I began to gift a personal short story. Some are short, long, weird but all with a personal touch. Your day may have already passed, fear not I didn't realize how many great people I have to call friends and I hope to get one to everyone.

This story was done in 2 parts. (April 3 2019 and 2020) These two beautiful ladies share the same day so it seemed only fitting to make it a double feature. I combined everything here for you - Happy Birthday Girls.

Freezing rain had coated the wings of the 737 before it had reached the gate forcing it to stop on the tarmac. Flashing yellow lights stretched out in all directions caught in a million icy prisms that were now stinging the faces of the ground operations crew.

Rochelle blocked out the grumblings of her fellow passengers to concentrate on the growing list for what lay ahead repeating the top ten items she would need within reach, a search and rescue mantra.

Dr. Christine Lake was also taking advantage of the delay,  pouring over her own checklist and was deep in thought when everyone else started deplaning.  

"Christine?" whispered Rochelle; folding the tray table back up again as she reached down for her bag, "Chris, come on, it's time to go," 

A gust of wind sprayed ice against the cabin window and Christine looked out, "This weather isn't going to help us find him." 

Rochelle's brows furrowed, "The dogs will know what do." she said, hoping to sound more confident than she felt as they both stepped out into the night.

The road was treacherous on the way to the cabin. A herd of elk crossing in front of them; bulging frightened eyes staring into the headlights gave a sense of foreboding as they skidded past riding the edge of the road.

Four hours and twenty two minutes later their SUV eased off the road between an overgrown swath cut into the dense forest.

"Holy shit, I nearly missed the driveway! - What has he been doing up here? - Did he run out of gas for the chainsaw?"

"Christine arched back and looked over with a laugh; "wildlife, extreme weather, sleep deprivation, husband missing and your first thought is how poorly maintained the foliage is?"

They laughed and began to pull the gear out of the back when a chorus of howls erupted from behind the house.

Rochelle palmed the sides of her face, tears beginning to well up,  "The dogs are still here?" she cried. 

"Why dont you let me -" 

But she was gone, a mad sliding sprint around the side yard, the thick layer of ice over snow snapping and cracking underfoot.

Christine smiled, "Crazy girl."

She finished unloading, making 3 neat stacks on the front porch and placed then beside the front door then searched for the key and let herself in.

Meanwhile out in the yard,the howling had come to a sweeping crescendo; 15 huskies welcoming home their friend the best way they knew how.

Rochelle ran between each dog dropping down to her knees hugging each one before she circled back to the shed and prepared a meal for them.

Christine had a pot of stew simmering by the time they were together again. The dogs settled and Rochelle slipped inside hanging her gear by the door. 

"I don't know the last time those poor dudes were fed but it had to be at least 3 days. Thank god there's snow so they weren't dehydrated. We'll need to let them sleep for a few hours then feed them again before we leave.

The girls ate supper, stopping every few bites to find last minute items and talk over their plans. When they did call it a night, sleep remained elusive and after 2 hours of trying they both agreed it was best just to go.

Daylight was breaking just as they got on the trail. They took a team of 7 each. Oakey, one of the original lead dogs had been retired for several years already had to stay behind.

The GPS tracker from Paul's sled started beeping suddenly about 20 km up the trail that indicated he was only 30 km farther ahead.

Rochelle's mind raced and she shouted over her shoulder to her friend, "I think he may be stuck on the river!"

Early April meant the river was expected to break up any day.

Timing was critical. Weaving through the dense cut trail she yelled "Hike!" and her leader barked once as if to say Yes mum!"



Tall shadows danced under a canopy of trees as hot embers exploded sending a thousand tiny orange stars up into the night sky.

The remoteness of the place gave new life to ordinary sounds; snaps and clicks echoed deep into the dense forest, just enough to make you feel like you weren't  alone.

Christine looked up through a small clearing, the stars looked like a million diamonds glistening across the night sky. Ordinarily this would be enough to lift the soul but tonight it only felt like a gaping void letting in the cold.

Fighting sleep, she edged closer to the fire, frowning as she glanced at her friend as she lay unconscious. She checked the bandage and listened to her breathing. She folded over the blanket, here eyes tracing the jagged line of feathers that were pushing out along the edge of a long gash of her coat.

"I wish I knew how to help kiddo."

As if in response Rochelle stirred, mumbling as she tried to sit up.

"Oh no you don't!" Christine whispered and she reached over gently pressing Rochelle's shoulders back into the sleeping bag.

"Easy now, easy,  lay back down, I've got you." Quickly adding the fact that the dogs were safe, preemptively trying to avoid any panic that was sure to bubble to the surface of her friends mind unconscious or not.

She wasn't actually sure her friend could hear her but she knew that if she could, the one thing she'd want to know was "were the dogs okay?"

Rochelle settled again, and Christine took a moment to close her eyes and rest, it had been a long day and sleep overtook her.


Snow began to fall in large basket sized flakes. She could feel the weight of each one as it landed and dissolved.

The forest fell silent with the snow,  nothing radiated out, no ripples of sound, nothing.

Rochelle had no idea what time it was or how she got here. "Where the hell is Christine?"


She yelled again but the words fell like blocks of ice and panic rose up in its place. She swallowed down the fear and decided it would be best to move.

It was dark, even for a night of the super moon and she leaned forward, ears straining  for the sound of a bark or shout. Nothing.

She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, expecting the familiar cold northern air but instead sucked in the sharp acrid fumes of smoke. Her eyes welled up with tears as a sharp burning sensation passed over. She turned in a circle, feet dancing in the snow as if trying to stamp out the pain. When she opened her eyes, she saw a light in the distance. 

"A flashlight!" her brain shouted but quickly realized it was far from a symbol of salvation. It was fire and it was moving quickly towards her. There was a moment of emptiness where her brain grappled with what she saw and it fought against the feeling of impossibility before her right leg kicked into the snow launching her forward.

Her hair whipped around stinging her cheek,  arms up to give some buoyancy and lift as she set herself into flight mode only to stop short when she saw a man standing just ahead of her and she dropped like an anchor.

"Paul!" She screamed,  "What are you doing here? - I've been looking for you all day -  Why are you just standing there, say something."

She was standing again, searching left and right as if she was about to cross a busy street. Each glance registering like a simple frame by frame recording. It reminded her of the old stick figure cartoons she used to draw at the bottom of her school notebook.  When you flipped the pages it looked like an action cartoon.

The fire was on her left moving closer,  Paul standing idle to the right was saying something but she couldn't hear him over the roar of the fire. Frustration surged and she began to scream with eyes clamped shut, arms pressed tightly at her side and fists clenched.

"Why are you just standing there, move....MOVE God dam it!"

When she opened her eyes he was gone. The fire too, all replaced by a domineering silence. 

Standing in the dark a cold breath unexpectedly pushed over her shoulder,  a sort of glass jug music playing in her ear culminating in a fireworks display of frozen air as it crystallized together with her own. 

Then another...

Her heart was thumping madly and her mind spun wildly to keep up. Someone was behind her, no doubt about it.

Eyes shut, she slowly began to circle on the spot, the thought of opening them again was beyond terrifying but in a heartbeat there was a deafening blast of heat forcing her to look.

Every tree had been reduced to mere standing logs, barren of all leaves and branches and she began to weep and everything went dark again.


A pink hue glazed the early morning horizon.

Christine set a cup of coffee down beside her


Rochelle lifted her hand to her head and felt a large bump under a patchwork of bandages.

"What time is it? she groaned

"Just a little after 7 I think. I know you're probably thinking we should be out there, looking but do me a favour and rest a little first before moving. You had a pretty good concussion and I'd like to make sure that once you're up you stay up."

"I'm fine, besides, you know I can't sleep now."

"I would prefer you didn't anyway, just asking you to be patient, just to make sure you're okay."

Rochelle took a breath and winced as she sat up. A chill was creeping in and she began to shake forcing her to lay back down pulling the sleeping bag tight as she did. "We have to find him, I know it's too late but I can't leave him out here." 

"You don't know that, how can you say that?"

"I just know, my dream — "

A far off cry cut the conversation short.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yes, oh yes, I hoped I hadn't imagined it."

Familiar chants of encouragement rang out in the distance. No barks in reply could only mean the dogs were running and they were getting closer. All of a sudden they were upon them and the clearing was crowded with screams of joy from furry travellers and a very rough looking musher.

"Rick! - But how?"

"Ah crackers, we heard you needed help through your friend here and got in the truck probably within minutes or you leaving. Saw you two racing out of town yesterday and followed your trail. You ended up turning off the main trail so I thought it best to keep going straight.

Rick pointed down to the sled with his eyes, "Found this guy clinging to a fallen log while the dogs were all tangle up in a row of trees," he laughed kicking the snow hook in.

"Dena's right behind me with them."

"Now, let's get that fire up."

Rochelle couldn't speak, tears welled up as she moved to embrace her husband laying in the sled.

"I thought I'd lost you."

"Not yet," he whispered. "Not yet."

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