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Preparing for Winter - A cautionary Fable

In a small wooded area that stretched along the Grand River lived a family of squirrels.  Mothers, Fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, and assorted cousins. They lived peacefully among all the other woodland creatures as one would expect. 

They gladly shared what they had with each other, everyone doing their part for the whole community. 

Edward and Kona lived together in a hollowed out segment of a big oak tree just at the edge of a large grassy area alongside the river. They had been together for some time and were always busy running from here to there and back again.

This particular summer, as the long warm days waned and each morning became a bit cooler Edward noticed that Kona's pace had quickened, Kona was particularly crafty at her gathering techniques and always seemed to be a step ahead of everyone else.

The little squirrel ran about collecting all the food she could and hid her bounty in a manner quite different than all the others so it would safe just for her to find later.

One afternoon her mate scampered over to her and asked, “What are you doing?”

“Why I’m saving for a rainy day of course.”

“Don’t you mean the winter?” He asked puzzled, for he had been working on the nest in the big oak tree where they were to spend the cold lumbering days of winter.

“No, I’m quite sure I meant rain. You see now that I have enough food for the winter, and you have finished the nest that will keep me toasty warm it looks like it is about to rain.”

Confused the little squirrel looked up at the sky and laughed, “I think you are wrong my love, it is a perfectly fine sunny day.”

To this his loving mate took out a knife and stabbed him in the chest. As he lay panting, gasping for breath he heard her say… “Maybe you were right after all, it is a perfectly fine sunny day after all isn’t it.”

*Special Thanks to Arlene McPadden for permission to use the image from her collection.

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