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Its a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

I'd like to think I'm growing as a fellow human and I dont mean just in the weight I've gained over the years.

I hope you read on so you can see what I mean and you can agree with me or not and that's okay. What I would ask is that you have an honest conversation with yourself and find your own truth. I say this to you my friends because, let's face it, this little piece will not likely be a New York Times editorial.

I recently watched "A wonderful day in the neighborhood." about Fred Roger's, played by Tom Hanks. I never watched the show growing up but wish I had after getting to know about the man. Even if it was in just the smallest amount, he was quite a special person and the reason for this letter to you.

The sheer volume of information we have at our disposal and the influence by so many people throughout our lifetime is staggering and it in no way ends here.

For the purpose of this piece I'll break down my thoughts of today into two words.


Two words so engrained into our current culture it's hard to go a day without hearing them or headlined in some form of social media.

But have you ever really stopped to think about the underlying message that comes with it?

It's out there in abundance no doubt. In fact you can probably think of a dozen or more on line "news" platforms where they literally use fake / false news as their means to justify their ends.

Life is about choices, and this one is particularly tricky. We can choose to take these at face value and move on or breath new life into them, headline them as our own to validate our own beliefs, and call each other out if they disagree.

So far I haven't seen one Facebook "News" article that hasn't ended in some controversy. Inevitably it seems we take a stand and add fuel to the fire, quick to act but perhaps not think.

It is hard to be compassionate at times. Even if all we want is to be heard and understood. There really isnt a good way to even ask why without it somehow sounding like we are challenging.

What's worse is that we then argue and antagonize each other to defend our positions against who? Our friends.

Unless you are famous or a social media influencer, then chances are good that the only people seeing your all important news articles are people you like (or pretend to like but that is a different discussion).

So ask yourself this,

"Before I share this, how would this make my friends feel?

If we all took a moment to understand then there would be no hurt feelings, certainly no fake news being spread around. And if we could just support each other when its needed, how could this be anything but a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

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